2021 was a historical year for crypto. The total market capitalization of crypto in 2021 reached an all-time high of nearly $3 Trillion The second half of 2021 marks the rise of NFT and more excitingly, GameFi. It is one of the hottest things in the crypto world where both public chains and investment institutions are actively laying out the game circuit. with P2E, Free to Play, and Play for Fun concept games emerging massively.
Ajang "International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum" Ke-11 (The 11th IIICF), diadakan oleh China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) dan Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, dibuka dengan meriah pada 2 Desember di Makau. Ho Iat Seng, Chief Executive, Wilayah Administratif Khusus (SAR) Makau; Wang Bingnan, Wakil Menteri Perdagangan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok; Fu Z
AHY bersama Wali Kota Bekasi Tri Adhiantor meninjau jembatan ambles di Kemang Pratama. Perbaikan segera diharapkan untuk pengguna jalan.
Polresta Bandara Soekarno-Hatta tangkap tujuh pelaku sindikat perdagangan orang, selamatkan 127 korban yang akan diberangkatkan ke luar negeri.
Para guru di SMAN 21 Bekasi mengaku kebingungan untuk melaksanakan ujian akhir bagi siswa kelas 12 usai sekolah mereka diterjang banjir.
Thomas Lembong kecewa atas dakwaan korupsi gula yang menjeratnya. Menurutnya, dugaan kerugian negara dalam perkara ini tidak jelas.
KPK memanggil Kepala BPKH Fadlul Imansyah sebagai saksi dalam kasus investasi fiktif yang merugikan negara Rp 200 miliar.
Polri ungkap praktik curang penggunaan barcode BBM subsidi di Tuban dan Karawang. Pelaku beli solar Rp 6.800 per liter, tapi dijual lagi Rp 8.600
Banjir yang melanda Jakarta sejak Senin (3/3/2025) menjadi bukti kerentanan kota ini terhadap bencana alam, terutama saat musim hujan.
Waketum Golkar menilai siapapun sah-sah saja membentuk partai baru, termasuk Presiden ke-7 RI, Jokowi. Asalkan, pembentukannya sesuai aturan.
Bareskrim Polri ungkap kasus penyalahgunaan barcode MyPertamina untuk BBM subsidi ilegal di Karawang dan Tuban.
Mendag 2015-2016, Tom Lembong, didakwa korupsi terkait persetujuan impor gula kristal mentah. Kerugian negara capai Rp 578 miliar!
(WAki International Media Center 29th December) Spokesperson Mrs Esther Teo Siao Ki In The Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course on 26th November 2021.
(WAki International Media Center 28th December) Spokesperson Mrs Kelly Tan AiYan In The Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course on 26th November 2021.
The speech of Mr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Musuem on the 100th days Memorial Service of the Late Most Respected King of Relic, Sayadaw U Kittivara on 7th Novemeber 2021 :
Double Q has swept the world. Why can Double Q let so many top institutions cooperate with it?
ZHAOWEI Machinery & Electronics Co., Ltd. has proudly upgraded the micro drive system for rotating smart speaker . Confronted with the pain points of smart speakers on the market, ZHAOWEI optimizes the intelligent rotary deceleration module to facilitate voice interaction, turning the "functional era" into the "intelligent era".
Recent years, health method of probiotics is popular all over the world. In fact, as far back as 1982, Estee Lauder rolled out Advanced Night Repair with probiotics. Thereafter, a large number of niche brands and luxury brands have followed suit. They produced various skin care products including facial cleanser, mask and cream. Meckiss followed closely, and entered the initial market of probiotic
Shenzhen, CHINA - On July 12, BYD announced the official launch of its Han EV series, the brand’s long-awaited flagship offering for the global mid-to-large luxury sedan market, including three pure electric models and one hybrid model.
"As a member of our community, we always try the best to provide more support at such a special time." This is an official voice from Chevron China, which recently announced a donation of 2 million RMB to the China Women's Development Foundation to assist China in the fight against the epidemic.